Monday 9 December 2013

My body!

Listen to this song!!

 Fill the gaps with this is / these are

1.______________my hand.

2. _____________ my hair.

3.  _____________my ears.

4.  _____________my cheeks.

5. _____________ my neck.

6. _____________  my elbow.

7. ______________my fingers.

8.  _____________ my tongue.

9.  _____________ my back.

10. _____________ my arms.


  1. Hello Carolina:
    You made a very nice blog. It is very interesting, attractive and intuitive but I would like to propose to you one thing for this activity:
    Why don’t you dance with your pupils this song?
    Try learning by doing in this activity, don't you think?

  2. Hello Jose Miguel! thamks for your comentary, but I want to publish material for our children or our classes, but not activities. With my material you can think a lot of differents activities. But thanks for you advice. I will keep in mind it.


Thanks for your commentary!!